
I'm Kyle, this is my website where I host side-projects and stuff


A JavaScript library for copying text to the clipboard. It's very small, and Public Domain licensed, so no attribution necessary. Just copy and paste it into your project.

<script> var simplecopy=function(){var d=document,b,cs,ss,f=false,n=d.createElement("DIV"),;s.position="fixed";s.color="rgba(0,0,0,0)";function sc(t){if(!b){b=d.body};n.innerText=t;b.appendChild(n);ss=x(n);cs=d.execCommand("copy",f,null);b.removeChild(n);return ss&&cs};function x(n){var r,s,w=window.getSelection,c=b.createTextRange;if(c){r=c();r.moveToElementText(n);;return !f}else if(w){s=w();r=d.createRange();r.selectNodeContents(n);s.removeAllRanges();s.addRange(r);return !f}else {return f}}return sc}(); </script>

Pokemon Sapphire intro

I manually upscaled the opening to Pokemon Sapphire Version using vector graphics and CSS animations.

Screenshot of my version of the Pokemon Sapphire start screen.

Dog Data

An Amazon Alexa skill, to mark the time when you last fed, walked, let out, or gave medication to your dog.

Logo for Dog Data.

random other projects: